Monday, May 27, 2013

Hi Everybody!

I am starting this new blog on Memorial Day 2013! A special day and we would like to thank all of those who have served our country and protected our freedom! So once again THANK YOU! 

I am so excited about what has happened over the last few months.  My online retail store, Safe harbor Home Boutique, got off to a great start. 

My initial love for needle work took me into places never imagined. The Miniature Rose Rug Punch Needle Kit became my best seller.  The Santa and the Reindeer Sleigh Punch Needle Kit is one of my favorites! Other popular favorites involved my Language of Flowers Miniature Rug Line inspired by my Mother's love of gardening.  The Weeping Wisteria, Tree of Hearts, Daisies and Masquerade were fun to complete and have sold as well.

Now, I am selling on Etsy!  It offers some of my punch needle kits as well as some finished projects. 

My love of arts and crafts will continue to be my guiding light in building my dream of bringing to you the things that inspire me in the hopes that the time spent developing these inspirations will bring meaning to your life. 

So, from time to time, I will share my ongoing projects with you.  At the same time provide to you the meaning behind my inspirations so you will fully appreciate the purpose behind my creation. 

I look forward to sharing this experience with you. So please check back with me often!


Founder of the Safe Harbor Home Boutique

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